Recently I've visited many parts of Europe and have seen really beautiful pieces of artwork that have captured my eye. Even though there were many artists to patron there were only two artist who really caught my attention from their artwork. They instantly made me want to patronize them to create beautiful artwork for Genoa and my family. Those two artist are Sandro Botticelli  and Giovanni Bellini . There was also a very promising navigator named Juan Sebastián Elcano who I heard just recently finished his circumnavigation around the world that could lead to a lot of information about the world around us that would be a great attribution to Genoa's trade.
Madonna with Child, 1510, Giovanni Bellini
Giovanni Bellini is considered the “father of the Venetian Renaissance”. His works of art really show the color and light in paintings such as when he painted the Madonna with Child and the Agony in the Garden. Being not just an artist but a teacher of the arts is also another one of his great talents, his most notable students being Titian and Giorgione two very promising artists who have created wonderful works of art. Bellini seems to be not only a good artist himself but able to create good ones as well. With him as a teacher in Genoa, scholars from all over would want to learn the styles of art from him. Making Genoa expand not just from being the center of trade but education for future artists as well.

Birth of Venus, 1486, Sandro Botticelli
Sandro Botticelli is really an undiscovered talent. His skills as an artist may not be known by many but they really make him out to be one of the great painters in the renaissance. He has had many masterpieces such as Allegory Of Spring La Primavera, The Abyss of Hell, and the Birth of Venus. Each masterpiece having its own complex meaning to interpret. Birth of Venus is one that really stands out to me as an work of art from the rest using the beautiful Goddess Venus as the subject of the art instead of using the bible as inspiration like many other artist do. Botticelli also goes as far as painting her naked which most  would consider inappropriate and not agree with. This just shows how much of an out of the box painter he is using themes that most would not except to portray his message. Patronizing Botticelli would really help to bring in people who enjoy beautiful artworks as well making Genoa look like the rich and powerful city-state that it is.

The first to complete the circumnavigation of the world was Juan Sebastián Elcano. Being that my big goal here is to expand Genoa’s trading territory. Elcano could really become a big asset in helping Genoa expand the places with which we have trade. By navigating us to places we could never get to before. By patronizing these artists and thinkers Genoa will not only become a very popular city with many well known artist but we will have grown with the number of countries we trade with. Helping us get closer to reaching our goal.

In order to accomplish Arcimboldo’s family goal, we decided to patronize three illustrious artists in Italy and let them help us to build more effective reputation in Italy. The three artists I want to choose are from different fields, two of them are from painting, another one is from architecture. The two painting artists’ names are Titian and Pontormo. And the architect’s name is Andrea Palladio.

The reason I choose Titian for making a portrait of my husband is because haunted faces and elongated bodies are characteristic of his work. I want to find an artist that could make my husband looks really smart and credible because banking really requires people’s trust and admire. The reason Titian is very attractive to me is that I have seen his masterwork Sacred and profane love. it is incredibly fabulous and skilled. The most attractive figure in this picture is the woman in white dress sitting just in front of us, gorgeous and somber. She is kind of making eye contact to us. By sponsoring Titian to portrait my husband could help us get more clients and earn more money for the bank. 

Scared and profane love, Titian, 1514
The second artist I want to sponsor is Pontormo. I desperately want him to make a portrait of St. George Bank in Genoa. I want to make an deep impression to people pass by and never seen St. George Bank. Our bank’s building is really fabulous and grand, but very unfortunately, not many people has seen it. We want to make a really good painting of the bank to show our wealth and gain people trusty. The masterwork of Pontrormo is Heimsuchung which he gives fabulous perspectives and descriptions in. Not only the background of the painting he dealed well, but also the person standing in it. We want to paint our faculty in it too to show the busy work of St. George Bank.

Heimsuchung, 1516, Pontormo
The architect I want to sponsor is Andrea Palladio. We are looing forwards to build one new branch bank in Venice because Venice is a relatively metropolis in Italy and have more chances. We could like to focus on other cities in Italy too not only Genoa. More people will notice St. George Bank so that we could give loans to more people and the money will directly support our exploration work in New Continent. The masterwork of Andrea Palladio that really attracts me is Villa La Rotonda. The design is for a completely symmetrical building having a square plan with four facades, each of which has a projecting portico. In order for each room to have some sun, the design was rotated 45 degrees from each cardinal point of the compass, from this point, we could tell that Palladio is a really careful architect. 
Villa La Rotonda, 1570, Andrea Palladio
Accomplishing by these three artists’ help, we could earn more money and reputation for St. George Bank and the money we earned will directly support the Exploration work in New Continent.

After scouring all of Europe in a quest to find the most brilliant minds and artists of the Renaissance, my family and I have decided to patron only three. We have chosen 2 artists and 1 scientist from all parts of the continent to represent our family’s wealth and class. Boticelli, the renowned Venetian artist famous for Primavera will have his work displayed in my court for all to see. Copernicus, the great Polish astronomer, will have his book read aloud in my court to all those who want to expand their knowledge on astronomy and the world. Finally, I will be honored to hang Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, and Last Supper in my court as a way to honor Da Vinci, the greatest man of the Renaissance.

Sandro Botticelli can truly be classified as one of the greatest painters of the Renaissance. Many Renaissance patrons have not heard of him, but he has painted some of the finest and most beautiful works of our era. His most famous paintings   include Primavera, The Birth of Venus, as well as The Adoration of the Magi. Both The Birth of Venus and Primavera share a religious theme highlighted through the goddess Venus, a beautiful red haired woman. The use of the Roman Goddess, Venus, shows the value of classical civilizations during the Renaissance. The Adoration of the Magi is a beautiful painting based about the Three Wise Men from The Bible. The main reasons I chose to patronize his fine painting is because many of his fine works have a religious undertone, which would help my family gain recognition and adoration from the Vatican. Sponsoring Boticelli’s work could usher in a whole new group of religious cliental to my city, including wealthy leaders of the church and their family. This would help to greatly increase my influence in the Vatican and assure the success of my candidate in the upcoming papal election.
Primavera, 1477-1482, Sandro Boticelli
One of the greatest Renaissance minds didn’t come from an Italian City State, yet his work has sent ideas as far as Constantinople and England.  The man I’m talking about is Nicolaus Copernicus, the famous Astronomer and Physicist. His most famous work  De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres), is the  launching pad into a rather unknown field of astronomy. Copernicus’s idea that the Earth isn’t the center of Universe is groundbreaking, and his book is the first to work out a Mathematical System that proves his idea of Heliocentrism(Earth isn’t the center of the universe). Even though his ideas aren’t too popular with the Church his book could launch a scientific revolution, and with my support his book might one day become one of the greatest pieces of literature ever written. If I can successfully patronize Copernicus, and his book is as successful as I hope Genoa would become the major Italian city for education and scientific advancement. I hope to soon begin construction of a University of Genoa and with Copernicus and many other great scholars he will attract, Genoa will become a center for education and scientific advancement.
Portrait of Copernicus, ~1500, Artist Unknown
            The term “Renaissance Man” is derived from the great Leonardo Da Vinci. Even though he is classified as a painter or artist, his expertise stretches into many scientific fields, and he is becoming renowned for his inventions. Even though he has only completed a small number of paintings no paintings are better recognized than The Last Supper and the Mona Lisa, and The Last Supper is one of the iconic religious paintings of the Renaissance. The Last Supper and the Mona Lisa embody the essence of perfection whether it’s its use of the Golden Rectangle Pattern or style of painting, or even the colors used. Also the etching of the Virtuvian Man captures the brilliance of Da Vinci’s mind through his vast knowledge and insight of anatomy and mathematics, especially the human form and it’s proportions. Da Vinci’s paintings will attract people of all creeds and the adoration of his work is incalculable. Not only are does he create marvelous pieces of artwork, but he has also created a journal that contains thousands of pages on ideas about possible scientific advancements, and explanations for why the world is the way it is.  Da Vinci is the type of man that comes around once in a century and it would be wise to be associated with him however possible. No matter how you classify Da Vinci his brilliance cannot be understated, and if you were to put a name and a face to this era of Italian prosperity it would be his. If I could bring Da Vinci and his works to Genoa, it would provide an enormous amount of adoration for the Fonte Family for generations to come, due to his great renown. 
Mona Lisa, 1503-1517, Leonardo Da Vinci
PictureThe Baptism of Christ by Andrea del Verrocchio and Leonardo da Vinci 1475
The artists I chose to bring to Genoa to help advance my rule are the great sculptor/architect Giovanni Battista di Quadro, Andrea del Verrocchio from Florence, and the navigator Amerigo Vespucci.  Giovanni Battista di Quadro is a good choice to bring in because he is famous for rebuilding the town hall of Poznań. He will be very useful in building great structures for my city. Having masterworks in my own city would be a clear sign of wealth. Andrea del Verrocchio is well known as being a teacher for many famous artists such as Boticelli and Leonardo da Vinci. Having someone like Andrea del Verrocchio would be important for training aspiring artists and building a future for art in this city. Living in a coastal city where the main business is trade it is important to expand this.  I have decided that bringing in Amerigo Vespucci would be a very wise decision. He is an experience navigator and has proposed many new ideas about the shape of the world. Discovering new places would allow new trade routes to form which would cause my business to grow exponentially.

I have studied these artists carefully and discovered some of their masterworks.  The most famous work of Giovanni Battista di Quadro is the town hall in Poznań. The city officials were impressed and made him the City Architect. Andrea del Verrocchio is well known for two of his painting masterworks, The Baptism of Christ and Madonna and Child. Amerigo Vespucci is most famous for his discoveries of the Americas. The works of these artists will help to inspire many younger artists and bring in many new artists and scholars.

By having these individuals in my town it will cause other people from all over to see what a powerful and wealthy town Genoa is. This will create good publicity which will keep bringing in more great thinkers. If Genoa can be seen as a place for talented young people it will be able to grow and conquer other rival cities.

Town Hall of Poznań Giovanni Battista di Quadro 1551


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    October 2013

