Dear Niccolo Machiavelli

I am writing this letter to you about your The Prince. I was really admired and impressed by your point of view.  And I especially want to talk about your ideas about How to Measure the Strength of any Prince and on Cruelty and Clemency with you today.

One way to determine if a Prince is good is to measure the strength of his state.  As you mentioned in the article, whenever a man has fortified and well supplied and could stand on their own foot in case of need, people will be slow to attack him because men are wary abut hard tasks. I am strongly agree with your point, because a prince’s destiny will be pretty depended on their army and citizens because they are the significant parts of defeating the enemies. And providing the fabulous living condition for citizens will make them feel positive about the country and leader, so when there are coming up a war, the prince will have enough people to join.

Another very important characteristic of a good prince is how he handles Cruelty and Clemency.  First, he should not mind being called cruel for what he does to keep his subjects untied and loyal.  Then a prince should made himself in such a way that, even if he gets no loves, he gets no hates either. Finally, he should make the conditions under his control but not by others.

These are the two points that I am extremely agree with you. 

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