Dear Signor Machiavelli,

 I have recently gotten the chance to read excerpts from you work, The Prince. You made many good points and had good ideas throughout the work. I especially agreed with the section where you were talking about how to balance money. The ability to be able to tax the people you rule but still keep them happy is a very delicate job for a person of power. People will respect a leader who has wealth and they will enjoy projects that the leader will be able to fund.

One thing that you talked about that I will remember when I am in charge of people is the way leaders are seen. People have expectations for leaders and can be disappointed very easily. A leader is the topic of discussion and writing, so he should make sure his image is good in the eyes of the people. Something that you made clear was it’s not good to become too well liked or else you will be an even bigger target for your enemies. You want to make sure the people know that you are powerful and should be feared.

In order to stay in power you said a leader should have a standing army of men who are in good spirits and content with the current rule. I agree with this very much and plan to start recruiting men for protection. It is also very important to have friends in powerful positions. Your work has been very informative and helpful. I plan to use many of these techniques when I become a leader of people.



Pietro Rosso

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