Dear Signor Machiavelli,
You may not know me but my name is Lorenzo Baldovinetti. I have recently read
an excerpt from your paper The Prince. When reading it there were a lot of points in which I
thought you gave very good advice. Such as knowing how to measure a prince’s power by
whether they are “strong enough to stand on his own feet in case of need, or weather he is in
constant need of help from others.” This is something I do very well when it comes to Genoa
because I don't depend on other people’s power and instead I use my own. Another point I
agreed with was not being too merciless or generous of a leader because it could bring harm to
the city in the long run. As I said your paper gave very good advice and there were things that
even I could improve on which is whether it is better to be loved or hated. I always thought that it
would be best for the people to love me because then they would not want to overthrow me. But
when you put it as being “ feared in such a way that, even if he gets no love, he gets no hate
either”. I realized that if we were to go under attack that my people would turn on me in a
instance even if I was the nicest ruler they ever had. Just to save their own skin. While a lot of
the ideas you wrote about I agreed with others such as wanting to isolate your city from others I
have a question about. Since Genoa's business is many focused around water being that we're
a maritime citystate.
How would we go about isolating ourselves when we're always importing
and exporting goods. Especially since our strongest army is the navy. Overall think that your
paper will help all prince’s to be and even current princes to learn the correct way to rule their
territory. I know for a fact that it has helped me tremendously.
Lorenzo Baldovinetti

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