
 I am Lorenzo Baldovinetti, a powerful merchant in Genoa. I was born in the year 1457 after my mother Diana Baldovinetti died from giving birth to me. I became a merchant following in my late father’s footsteps after he died from the Black Death. My wife Cilicia has recently gotten pregnant with my soon to be heir. Once he’s grown of considerable age I will show him the right way to run our business and then I will hand it over to him.   

Since my family hired a tutor who taught me from a selection of books about philosophy, Greek, and Latin which helped to further my education and in turn help me to become the powerful merchant I am today. It’s my hope to provide the same education for my soon to be born son. Being an influential merchant I am the patron for many artists that create beautiful works of art that I hope my son will get to one day enjoy when looking at this beautiful city.

Genoa is a city that is located on the north-west coastline. For this reason Genoa is considered one of Italy’s greatest mercantile powers and this allows for many of our workers to have business around the water. This is great for Genoa but has had its toll and caused the eastern Italian trading ports of Venice and Pisa to become our rival power. Since my wife is the daughter of a very rich and influential Nobel we support each other by helping to gain power and favor over the other classes in our society from the highest to even the lowest working class. We might seem like a republican city; but if you look at the power nobles have it seems more like an oligarchy.

The trade in which I mostly focus on is cloth.  This is the trade that my family has specialized in for years. Usually the cloth we export is that of blue cloth which is used to make clothing such as pants and shirts. This has been very lucrative for my family and has proved to be a very nice way of earning money.

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