My name is Pietro Rosso. I live with my three children and wife in the city of Genoa. The two youngest children stay home with their mother and are schooled by a private tutor. My oldest son has started to help out with the family shipping business. My wife stays home most of the day to cook meals and look after the younger children.

We live in the wealthy city of Genoa, right on the water. The economy has grown immensely and the city is becoming one of the most powerful in the area. Genoa is traditionally known for its large navy and shipping port. With low interest loans being taken out from the banks, many people are able to start their own business.

When I was young I helped my father build his shipping business. After he passed away I inherited the business and have expanded it. Taking out a loan from one of the local banks has made trade with Asia possible. Rare Asian spices and silks are extremely valuable in Italy and have allowed even more growth to happen to my business.

When I was young, my father had made enough money with his business to have a private tutor educate me. He knew that I was going to eventually take over the family business when I was old enough but he still felt it was valuable to have a school education. Being educated may not help with my day to day life, but it has opened my mind to a new way of thinking. I hope that one day my children will continue the Rosso shipping business but for now they are following in my footsteps and learning from a tutor.

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